Posted tagged ‘Books’

Who Needs Reading Anyway?

October 21, 2009

As a teacher I am always telling kids to read books.  Go get your textbooks, silent reading time, we are going to the library to get books, today is the book fair and you can buy books.  You should read, books are good for your brain, keeps them from turning to mush.  All sorts of things involve books, but you know what doesn’t involve any books at the moment?

My life….

This is a sad, sad moment and is quite unusual for me.  I just haven’t had time or found a book that I really want to read right now.  So, I am asking, begging really,  please, help me find a good book to read. If you have a suggestion, just tell me the title, the author, and a short summary.  If you can’t think of anything please, pass this on to a friend who reads a ton so I can get some good suggestions.  I have been staring at the shelves of books at the library and just can’t seem to find anything that makes me want to give up civilization and do nothing, but devote myself to reading.